Monday, November 22, 2010

Dear Body,

I hate you.

Just saying.

Sincerely Yours,



  1. “Well I guess that's a start, a bit of brutal honesty. Since I am all you have, you need to stop the hate and start leaning to nurture and love me....” Your Body

    P.S if it was not "your" body the post was aimed at I can’t help, I’m not sure anyone can….

  2. @ BlackLOG

    LOL. Yes, it was my body I was talking to. Truthfully, I think the feeling is mutual. I treat it well. I give it fruits and vegetables, puppies to play with, work to do, and how does it pay me back? Autoimmune disorders, and lockjaw, and migraines. Tsk. I think it's an ungrateful wench, that's what I think.

    Or maybe it's just trying to tell me I need a better mattress and a less stressful job, but that may be giving it too much credit.

  3. How about a less stressful mattress and a better job...

    Sorry I had to come back and break your "only two comment" streak...

  4. I don't mind. ;)

    I'm working on both, the Body just needs to be patient. It's so melodramatic sometimes.

  5. Sometimes, I wake up and love my Body. Other days, I hate it, or rather, certain parts of it. Depends on my mood. --.--"

    -Barb the French Bean

  6. Ah. Something I can relate to all to well. Sometimes Body just wants to be stubborn.

  7. @ Proud Gypsy

    It does! Today it's being stubborn as well. Maybe if I bribe it with something?

    @French Bean

    I wake up and hate my body most days. Some parts more than others depending on the day. ;)
