Monday, May 2, 2011

Dear United States,

Just a reminder of some people in recent history whose deaths we did not celebrate or probably will not celebrate:

Mao Tse Tsung
Fidel Castro
Josef Stalin
Nikita Kruschev
Saddam Hussein
Ho Chi Minh
Kim Jong Il
The Taliban
Emperor Hirohito (You know, the guy that ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor?)
Adolf Hitler

How about some people closer to home that have murdered Americans, and not just their own people?

Timothy McVeigh
Ted Kaczynski
Ted Bundy
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
Charles Manson
Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer - at victim 48 and counting)
George Silverman (American CIA Operative that fed military info to Russia during the Cold War)
Lee Harvey Oswald
Jeffrey Dahmer

Just something to think about while you jump up and down and celebrate the death of one man.

Sincerely Yours,


Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Dog,

Please. Stop eating the cat. No, really. That noise he's making? It's not a "I'm happy and want to play with you" noise, that's a "OMG THE PAIN STOP EATING MY LEG OMG I'M DYING" noise. I know the other cat makes noises like that when he plays with you, but he's a "Special" cat, and Monty... well... Monty is handicapped. And not mentally like Gus is. Now leave the poor thing alone to wallow in his pirate-y, one-eyed, losing hair, delicate flowerness, mkay?

Sincerely Yours,


Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Internet (part 2),

I am sorry. I am so ADD that I forgot about you again for a brief  moment in time. There were many other shinies to distract my attention from you. Starcraft II, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, Final Fantasy XII, Assassin's Creed... Just to name a few. You can sit securely, however. I will always come back to you in the end. Know that I will never abandon you for Farmville or chocolate.

Though I might abandon you for Maple Sugar Candy. If I was bribed with enough of it. Maybe.

Sincerely Yours,
